Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I WILL Win This War.

I typed a very long and thought out post about my current battle with depression, but I don't think it is best that I share it. Not yet, at least.

Right now, I am asking from the very bottom of my heart to be covered in prayer. I am not doing well and my struggle seems to be getting the best of me.

Along with prayer, any type of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Letters, texts, and emails are the best way to do that. I am asking please that nobody call because that just makes me cry and sends me into a whirlwind of emotions.

Thank you in advance for everything.
I know that with the help of everyone surrounding me, I will overcome this. It is going to take a lot of time, hard work, and tears, but I know that God will carry me through.

email: jck12a@acu.edu
text: 8322627934
letters: Jenna Knight
             2302 E Van Trease
             Deer Park, Tx 77536


  1. Praying for you Jenna! With the the help of the Lord, you WILL win this war!

  2. First of all, I so am loving your blog page. Birds remind me over and again, how God sees and knows them - how much more does He see and know me?? Beth is going to have a simulcast this Saturday I have read you can access from your home computer. Check it out at Living Proof Ministries, if interested. This year at Women of Faith, she opened it up - boy howdy - did she open it up talking about Hagar. He not only saw her - He brought the well to the woman. I do believe that is what came down on that day. He will bring your well, keep watching , do't give up hope. Never give up hope. I love you friend.

  3. I didn't sign my name! you can call me Patti G, or Miz G or Nonna, or sister . . .or anything that might make me feel nice; like "Hey you don't look like you are going to be umm. .. . a really startling number in November !!
