I just wanted to update everyone on how I am doing.
First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your words of affirmation, letters, emails, texts, all the good things. Every single thing you guys sent me was read, probably cried about, and taken to heart. (also, if it was a letter, it's in my keepsake box) I will never be able to fully express how much all of your encouragement meant to me. Your kind words brought me out of one of the darkest places I have ever been. So, a thousand times over, THANK YOU!
It has been almost a full two months since I withdrew from ACU and I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made for myself. Since being home, I have started seeing a therapist regularly that I LOVE. My doctor put me on a new anti-depressant and I have heard many people say "Jenna is back!" They are exactly right. Although I still have bad days, I am back to my old peppy self. I could not be any happier about it.
The only thing that kept on weighing me down was the subject of what I was going to do in January. I applied to multiple different JuCo's, but refused to look at any other big universities. However, after visiting Abilene this past week, I am one hundred percent sure it is where I want to be. I have decided that come January, I will be moving back to pursue a degree in Youth and Family Ministry. I want to be able to help kids through their rough patches like everyone helped me.
Again, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out to me in this time of my life. You guys saved me. Literally.